Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The springs in the stained mattress beneath me have all sprung
No longer there to cushion me from my thoughts
My mind flips back and forth with each breath
Desperate in its attempts to explain my life
Do i regret it all?
I am not even sure.
Does anything every change?
Thinking of running away has no such promise.
The greener grass glints in the forever sun that lives on the other side of problems
Its beautiful
until i lie on the mattress on the other side of my problems,
it's springs have all sprung.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if my mattress were to have loose springs, or sprung springs you would wake up with me next to you :D
i don't have problems, minus boy problems, but uh hey. to each his own.
note to self: running away doesn't solve anything, but waking up in another bed with sprung springs does
good lesson learned
thanks cap. char:D

ps- about that poem, its super deep. hit me real hard, in that spot i guess you could call a heart. i like it. it's a good, solid feeling. like when your springy bed pushes you out of the bed in the morning onto the floor, that kind of feeling.
i've sprung for you charlotte esmith